
Standard Unity directional input ( WASD ).
You can upgrade three parameters of your blob :

  • Magnetism - How big your attraction range is and how fast does it pull the other blobs
  • Speed - How fast do you move
  • Size - How much rage scales your size


You can only eat blobs that are smaller than you, the big ones *rapidly* reduce your rage, getting you back to square one.

Survive as much as possible and take down the boss. The boss spawns after upgrade level 15, and creates a zone in which the blobs assemble, your task is to prevent as many blobs as possible from reaching said area, and then defeat the boss.

Some blobs are colored red, which means they have a size power bonus of 2, but return 4 times the bonus if you can eat them.

Development that follows

Fix current bugs

Actually implement the boss

Make the fleeing behavior work propperly

Development will continue after the rating period is over

Trijam game made in 3 hours.

You can clearly see by the way things look.

Had no time to properly balance and create the visual and audio assets

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